Wednesday 26 March 2014

New Website

Today I have been busy building my first website for my future work, this is the link if you would check it out and give me any comments and suggestions about the website I would be grateful for your help.
Here's the link

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Life: Siem Reap Temples

Life: Siem Reap Temples

Siem Reap Temples

People i met in Malacca and Siem Reap

Malacca and Siem Reap people I met on my way.

Been busy

The last few months I have been working upon my final year of BA Hons photography, and building more sites and blogs to promote myself for the future. I shall be placing more work upon this blog this weekend with what I have captured for my final project. Which I have given the name invisible, its about people and things we see everyday but take no notice of until they are gone.
So thank you for your wait  and look forward to comments and replies.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Start of my Journey

This blog I wish to show my travels in the past few years and the travels I will be doing in the future.
At present I am a mature photography student in my final year at college.
I shall be placing my work on here and would be grateful of any feedback on my work to help me gain knowledge of photography. Also if you have any ideas of other photographers work I would be interested to see please give me the link and I shall look at them.
My main goal in life is to work in Asia, I adore meeting people and showing their lives within a photograph.
I have a tumblr blog under blackrozephotography. which shows my work throughout my college time.
Thank you for your time